Those needing to renew their EMS License. State approved and National Registry required hours. Seating is limited.
10 hours consists of:
Stroke/CVA – 4 hours. (2 hrs for EMT, AEMT with 2 hrs applied to other EMS content) Paramedic is required to have 4 hrs.
Documentation: 2 hours (EMT 1 hour with 1 hour applied toward other EMS content) AEMT & Paramedic requires 2 hrs – if you have a tablet or laptop bring it with you. You will be completing narratives.
Ethics & Professionalism – 2 hrs (EMT 1 hr with 1 hr applied toward other EMS content) AEMT & Paramedic requires 2 hrs.
Arkansas Trauma System – 2 hours (all level licenses)
Lunch will be included with your fee for today.